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Quick Work
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Quick Work
(Main Street MILFs #1)
(Older Woman/Younger Man Cheating Wife)
Holly Ardent
Text copyright © 2015, Holly Ardent
All Rights Reserved
Find Holly's other stories on her Amazon Author Page:
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Steve sat at his desk, looking for any sort of work he could do to fill the holes in his budget.
With a part time entry position in the field I got my degree in, it makes it hard to pay the bills, even while I'm still living with mom and dad. I can't believe how embarrassing it is that I had to move back in with them, but I didn't really have any choice. At least they can use the money I give them for rent. They don't need it badly, but it gives them a chance to go out now and again.
He snapped his attention back to the screen. The little forum that covered his hometown and the surrounding area didn't really have much in the way of a help wanted section, but he could hope at least.
That might work. Even if it's just three days, it looks like it pays enough to help cover my bills this month.
He punched the number into his phone and listened as it rang.
“Hello, Melanie speaking. Can I help you?”
“Hi, my name's Steve. I just saw your ad looking for temporary help so I called.”
“Before anything else I have to tell you that it is temporary only and has no chance of leading to a lasting position.”
“That's fine, I just need a little extra to pay the bills this month and this sounded like it might work.”
The woman on the other end of the phone sounded relieved.
“Thank god. Even though I specified temporary in the listing I've had about ten people call me up and try to talk me into making it a permanent full-time position. They get really upset when I tell them I don't need that. So tell me Steve, can you lift medium weights for about six hours at a stretch, three days in a row?”
“I ought to be able to do that. Medium weights around eighty pounds or so?”
“Oh, no. Just forty to sixty. I have to inventory my shop, which means moving everything on the floor and in the store room around. My regular employee can't handle that sort of lifting so I need someone who can.”
“Yeah, I can do that.”
“Why don't you come down to my shop and we can chat about the job. I'd prefer not to make a commitment without meeting you face to face first,” Melanie said.
“I have to work my regular job today until five o'clock. But anytime after that or tomorrow before eleven-thirty would work for me.”
“Come on down around five-thirty. I'll be closing up then. We can grab a coffee across the street and see if this will work.”
“I should be able to make it there by then.”
“You have the address?”
“I grew up here,” Steve said. “I've even been in 'A Vintage Age' before. I sold a few older video game cartridges there about a year back.”
“Good, then you know where we are. I'll see you around five-thirty then?”
“I'll be there.”
* * *
Steve checked the time.
I need to get ready for work now, don't want to be late. If I stay there a couple of years and keep my nose clean I can probably get a real position, full-time and everything, but not if I'm late in my first month there. Somehow I think that would be a black mark.
He'd taken the part time job because it was vaguely related to his field. He knew the company did computer programming, which was what his degree was in, but there hadn't been any of those positions open when he'd been looking. So, he was working for the company in a related field in hopes of eventually getting one of their programming slots when it opened up.
I hope it's worth it. I'd hate to waste a couple of years of my life on this. Even so I'm doing better than some of the guys I graduated with. They're flipping burgers or doing other things completely unrelated to their degrees. I'm at least doing something close to what I majored in.
He headed out to work his five hour shift, of which he did five a week on Mon-Fri. He was actually paying more attention to the prospect of an extra three hundred bucks in his pocket if the temporary work with Melanie came through than he was to his regular job though. His regular job wasn't all that interesting but, as he kept reminding himself, at least it was related to what he'd gone to college to get a degree in.
* * *
After work Steve headed straight downtown instead of home. The store he was looking for was located on the main street of the town, although not right in the middle of downtown, more like barely on the edges of the downtown area. When he pulled up in front of the store, someone was just turning the sign to read 'Closed'.
He parked and got out of the car. As he approached the door, it opened and a woman came out. She turned to lock the door behind her as he got closer.
“Excuse me?” Steve said.
She jumped and turned around. Steve was struck by her eyes first. They were stormy gray, of a shade he'd never seen before. They were set in a face of fair, smooth skin that was framed by her hair. A few runaway wisps crossed her face and, after she got over her surprise, she brushed them out of the way.
“I'm sorry,” he said. “I didn't mean to startle you. I'm looking for Melanie? I was supposed to meet her here.”
She smiled broadly and when Steve saw the smile lines around her eyes and mouth he revised his estimate of her age upwards from the late twenties or early thirties to late thirties or older.
“That's alright, I was lost in thought for a moment,” she said. “I'm Melanie. You must be Steve?”
He nodded.
“Let's go over to the coffee shop and we can chat for a bit,” she said.
* * *
Melanie sipped the last of her coffee from the cup.
“So, let me get this straight. Despite having your college degree, you can't find a decent job and are looking for extra work to pay the bills?”
“Yeah, the only job offer I got that would've even been close to a real income would have had me moving out to the west coast. The cost of living is so high there that I still wasn't sure it would be enough to live on. So I moved back home and I'm living in my parent's basement.”
Melanie stifled a smile.
“You hear that a lot in the news nowadays, but I always thought it was just a figure of speech.”
Steve blushed.
“It is, I'm actually in my old room. It's not in the basement at all, although I've got a whole bunch of stuff stored down there with nowhere else to put it.”
This time Melanie didn't manage to hide the smile.
“I imagine that's a little rough, moving back in with your folks.”
“Tell me about it. After the relative freedom of college? Besides that, trying to get a date after telling someone you live with your parents? Forget about it.”
Melanie snickered softly.
“For some reason I think we're managing to hit it off. I don't think you would've said that last if you weren't comfortable with me.”
Steve thought back to what he'd just said and felt his face heat up.
“I'm sorry, that was way off topic.”
“It's alright, I did kind of ask,” Melanie said. “Anyhow, if you want the job it's yours. I'm amazed at how hard it is to find someone to work for just a few days. We need a temp service or something in this town, but it's really too small to support one.”
“I found your post online, but I don't know how many people check forums any more. Now they've always got their nose buried in apps on their phone.”
Something clicked in Steve's brain and he missed the next thing Melanie said.
“I'm sorry, I was lost in thought. Can I get you to rep
eat yourself in a moment?” Steve asked.
He pulled out his phone and opened the memo app. After jotting down a couple of notes, he turned back to Melanie.
“You were saying?”
She looked interested in what he'd been doing.
“I was just going over the hours and pay. What was that there? You looked like something hit you out of the blue.”
“Something did. It might make me a few bucks too, plus put my name out there as an app developer. I was just thinking that if everyone's checking apps for everything now, then why not make one that takes the place of a temp agency? Where people can post that they're looking for this or that kind of help, or others can post that they want work and give a list of their skills?”
Melanie sat back for a second. She tilted her cup up, trying to get another drop or two out of it. Then she looked at Steve.
“You'll need disclaimers and stuff. I know the temp agencies have insurance to cover any problems.”
“That's easy enough. Make a user agreement that says people won't hold the app creator responsible for any problems that arise. They have to agree to it to use the app. I can pull the actual phrasing from some similar ones I've seen.”
“Or just specify that the app is not involved in hiring at all, it's simply a means for people to connect and everything beyond that is the responsibility of the people involved,” she said.
Steve nodded.
“Exactly,” he said. “I'll probably use something like in the user agreement.”
“Are you still going to be working for me?” Melanie asked.
“Oh yeah, it'll take a week or two to create the app. I'll need to set up database space in the cloud and do the actual programming, test it, all that stuff. It won't make me any money for a while, if it ever does. But the bills won't wait, so I'll be there. You said stupid early?”
“Yes, four in the morning and we'll work through until ten. Then I can still be open noon to five-thirty on the days I do inventory.”
“Day after tomorrow then? Four in the morning, right over there.”
Steve nodded at the store.
“Come around to the back door though, I'll leave the front door locked.”
“You got it,” Steve said.
* * *
Steve spent that evening, and all of the following day when he wasn't at work planning out the app.
It has to be simple and easy to use. Not a lot of space on most smart phone screens, so I need to make it modular and have a single module at a time showing on the screen. Categorize types of work and abilities then break those down into modules that allow me to keep the text large enough to be read.
His thoughts followed those patterns as he worked on the app, trying to keep it easy to use and read, with no chance for misunderstanding anything.
The night before he was scheduled to help Melanie he went to bed early.
I need to be up for three o'clock so I can get there by four, he thought. I don't think I've gone to bed this early since I was in my single digits.
In the morning, he was careful not to wake his parents as he got ready to leave. He pulled up in front of 'A Vintage Age' just before four o'clock.
Great, the coffee shop isn't even open yet.
Around back there was an alley with a series of doors in the wall that lined it. He walked down them until he found the correct one, then knocked. The door opened in just a few seconds and Melanie stood there, looking entirely unlike she had the last time he saw her.
When he met her to chat, she was wearing slacks and a loose sweater. The end result made her look a little chunky. Now she wore ripped jeans with a unitard top rising from under them.
Where he'd thought she might be a little chunky before, he now knew that she wasn't. She wasn't scrawny either, but solidly built. Evidently she'd worn the sweater to conceal her rather impressive breasts. Breasts which seemed to have nothing between them and the thin, skin-tight layer of fabric currently covering them.
It took him a few moments to tear his eyes away from her nipples where they tented the fabric of the unitard. When he managed to tear his eyes away and look up at her face he was greeted with a knowing smile and a sparkle in her eyes. She didn't say anything about him staring at her breasts.
“Ready to get to work?” she asked.
“As ready as I get at this hour of the morning.”
“You should've just not gone to bed yet,” she said.
“I would've, but I need to be at my normal job later.”
“Oh yeah, that's right. What time do you need to be there?”
“Noon,” he said. “So if we finish at ten I'll have time to go home and get cleaned up before I have to be there.”
“If we run late, I've got a shower here you can use. It's nothing fancy, but it's big. I think whatever business had this spot before me put it in.”
“I'll need fresh clothes too. I'm pretty sure I'll be a mess by the time we're done and even if not I'm definitely not dressed for my regular job.”
Melanie nodded.
“I can see that, I guess even programmers don't get to work in jeans and a t-shirt. Anyhow, let's get to work. We'll take a break when the coffee shop opens and get some caffeine.”
Steve didn't bother to mention that his current position wasn't as a programmer. He just followed Melanie to the pile of boxes that filled one side of the back area.
“We'll need to go through all of these. I change my inventory around every few months and the stuff I move off the floor comes back here until it goes on display again.”
Steve shook his head in wonder. There were hundreds of boxes back here, half the back room was full of them and if he was any judge, the back room was larger than the display area out front.
“You'll find they're in sections and each box has a written label. There's clothing, utensils, music, and so on. I'll call out each section name and you'll bring me the boxes one at a time. After I inventory the contents you'll move the box back near the exit until we finish that section, okay?”
“Sounds easy enough,” Steve said.
As they worked, Steve saw the wisdom in Melanie's unitard. She had to bend and twist constantly to get items from the boxes, mark them off her list, and then replace them. He also saw a lot more than he thought she'd bargained for as all the bending and stretching made Melanie sweat, which caused the unitard to quickly become translucent from the moisture.
She stood up and arched her back, thrusting her breasts out towards him. His eyes were locked on her nipples where they jutted out through the thin fabric. Melanie cleared her throat and Steve's eyes snapped to her face. She was staring at him, an amused smirk dancing across her lips.
“I think the coffee shop should be open. You want something?” she asked.
Yeah, I want something, Steve thought, just not something I can get at a coffee shop.
“Yeah, sure,” he said, after a moment's pause. “Some caffeine would go down really well.”
“Come on then, my treat,” she said.
Melanie grabbed a coat and threw it over her, now see-through, top. She zipped it up despite the fact that it wasn't all that cold out.
She knows it's not covering anything up. She has to. Why else would she zip up her jacket? Steve thought. What's she playing at?
He followed her across the street and they each ordered a large coffee to go. As they waited for their drinks Melanie turned to him.
“We can drink while we work,” she said. “I'd like to get through today's section as quickly as I can.”
Steve just nodded, still wondering what she was up to.
When they returned to her store, Melanie took her coat off and then did a few light stretches before sitting back down. Steve just stared since she hadn't seemed upset the last time he did.
“Let's start with the next section,” she said after she was done stretching.
They worked until about nine-thirty, at which point he'd just cleared the last box from the section they were o
“That's it for now,” she said. “Just put this batch of boxes back in their section and we'll call it a day, or at least a morning.”
He started carrying the boxes back where they went. After the first few, he came back and found that Melanie had stripped off the jeans and her shoes and was standing there in just the unitard. It was just as damp down bottom and Steve's eyes traced the lines of her pussy lips where the unitard molded to them like a second skin.
“If you're quick, you can grab a shower before you leave. I guarantee it will leave you feeling better.”
“I can shower at home,” he said.
“Yes you could, but I wouldn't be waiting for you in your shower at home, now would I?”
Melanie turned before he could answer, heading for the bathroom with the massive shower stall she'd showed him earlier.
He stood there for a moment, watching her swaying ass as she walked away. Just before she entered the bathroom, she turned back, gave him a wink, and started peeling off the unitard. She pulled it down until he could see the upper slope of her breasts and, just before revealing her nipples, disappeared through the door.
Ummm, Steve's brain stammered, Now what do I do?
* * *
The first thing he did was hurry to put the remaining boxes away, then he made a beeline for the bathroom. He opened the door and stepped in.
Melanie was in the shower and the room was starting to steam up already. The shower door was steamed opaque. He could hear her in there though and her unitard was hanging from a hook on the wall.
Steve took a deep breath and realized that her scent filled the room. Feminine and slightly musky, it was a smell he associated with college. From back when he'd been able to take a girl to his dorm room and not have to worry about the stigma of living with his parents.
He stripped out of his clothes as quickly as he could. But when he started to open the shower door, he had second thoughts. He paused and knocked.
“Steve?” Melanie said.
“Yeah, it's me. Were you serious?”